Welcome to the fascinating world of foraging in the UK! Nature's bountiful pantry is ever-changing, offering a delightful array of wild foods that shift with the seasons. Whether you're a seasoned forager or just beginning your journey, this comprehensive guide aims to be your companion throughout the year, providing valuable insights into what wild foods are in season each month.

Throughout this guide, we'll explore an array of edible plants, mushrooms, berries, nuts, and other wild treasures, providing links to detailed descriptions, habitat information, and expert tips for safe and sustainable foraging practices. We'll also touch upon the nutritional benefits of wild foods, their historical uses, and even some delicious recipes to transform your finds into mouthwatering dishes.
Now you can check up and see what wild foods are in season and what wonderful flavours will be available to you in the coming months with our UK wild food and foraging calendar.
Bookmark this page so that you can return to find out what is in season this month, please feel free to share with others too.
Foraging and Wild Food Calendar UK

Foraging in January
Cowberry, Chickweed, Cockles, Cod, Common Sorrel, Crab (Brown), Crow Garlic, Dab, Duck, Goose, Hairy Bittercress, Hare, Oyster Mushroom, Pheasant, Rock Oysters, Velvet Shank, Whiting, Wood Sorrel, Winter Cress, Wild Cabbage, Wild Venison.
Read More: Foraging in the tough times of Winter.
Foraging in February
Chickweed, Cockles, Cod, Common Sorrel, Crab (Brown), Crow Garlic, Dandelion Leaves, Dandelion Root, Hare, Hairy Bittercress, Jack by the Hedge, Nettle, Rock Oysters, Velvet Shank, Wild Venison, Wood Sorrel, Winter Cress, Wild Cabbage.
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Foraging in March
Alexanders, Birch Sap, Black Mustard, Burdock Leaves, Chickweed, Chives, Cockles, Common Mallow, Common Sorrel, Corn Salad, Cow Parsley, Crab (Brown), Crow Garlic, Dandelion Leaves, Dandelion Roots, Fat Hen, Goosegrass, Gorse Flowers, Ground Elder, Hare, Hogweed, Hop Shoots, Jack by the Hedge, Morel, Nettle, Pignut, Perennial Wall Rocket, Pollack, Primroses (Garden), Rock Oysters, Sea Kale, Sea Trout, Sheep Sorrel, Sweet Cicley, Sweet Violet, Velvet Shank, Watercress, Wild Garlic, Wood Sorrel, Winter Cress, Winter Cabbage.
Read More: Foraging for Wild Food in Spring.

Foraging in April
Alexanders, Birch Sap, Bistort, Beech, Black Mustard, Borage, Broom, Burdock Leaves, Carragheen, Chickweed, Chives, Cockles, Common Mallow, Common Sorrel, Corn Salad, Cow Parsley, Crab (Brown), Crow Garlic, Dandelion, Fairy Ring Champignon, Fat Hen, Garlic Mustard, Good King Henry, Goosegrass, Gorse Flowers, Ground Elder, Hawthorn Leaves, Hogweed, Hop Shoots, Horseradish, Lime Leaves, Magnolia Flowers, Milk Thistle, Morel, Nettle, Pignut, Pollack, Primroses (Garden), Ramsons, Redcurrant flowers, Red Clover, Seaweed, Sea Aster, Sea Beet, Sea Kale, Sea Trout, Sea Purslane, Skate, Sheep's Sorrel, Silverweed, St George’s Mushroom, Sorrel, Spearmint, Sweet Cicely, Sweet Violet, Tansy Leaves, Watercress, Wild Chicory, Wild Garlic, Wild Fennel, Wild Rocket Leaves, Winter Cabbage, Winter Cress, Wood Pigeon, Wood Sorrel.
Love Wild Garlic? Click the link to check out out Wild Garlic Pesto Recipe.

Foraging in May
Alexanders, Bistort, Bramble leaves, Black Mustard, Borage, Brooklime, Broom, Burdock Leaves, Carragheen, Chicken of the Woods, Chickweed, Chives, Cleavers, Common Comfrey, Common Mallow, Common Sorrel, Corn Salad, Crayfish, Crow Garlic, Dandelion Flowers, Dead Nettle, Dog Rose, Elderflowers, Fairy Ring Champignon, Fat Hen, Garlic Mustard, Grey Mullet, Ground Elder, Good King Henry, Gooseberry, Goosegrass, Gorse Flowers, Hawthorn Leaves, Hogweed, Hop Shoots, Horseradish, Lime Leaves, Lobster, Magnolia Flowers, Meadowsweet, Milk Thistle, Mint, Morel, Nettle, Pignut, Pollack, Ramsons, Red Clover, Red Goosefoot, Rock Samphire, Round Leafed Mint, Seaweed, Sea Aster, Sea Bass, Sea Beet, Sea Purslane, Sea Trout, Sheep's Sorrel, Silverweed, St George’s Mushroom, Sorrel, Spear Leafed Orache, Spearmint, Sweet Cicely, Sweet Violet, Tansy Leaves, Watercress, Wild Chicory, Wild Garlic, Wild Fennel, Wild Mint, Wild Rocket Leaves, Wild Thyme, Winter Cress, Wild Cabbage, Wood Pigeon, Wood Sorrel, Yarrow.
Check out our selection of Foraging Equipment and Gear.

Foraging in June
Brooklime, Broom, Burdock Leaves, Chicken of the Woods, Chamomile, Chickweed, Cleavers, Common Comfrey, Common Mallow, Common Poppy, Common Sorrel, Crayfish, Crow Garlic, Dead Nettle, Eels, Elderflower, Fairy-ring Champignon, Fat Hen, Field Rose, Garlic Mustard, Grey Mullet, Good King Henry, Gooseberry, Goosegrass, Ground Elder, Hawthorn Leaves, Hogweed, Hop Shoots, Horseradish, Japanese Rose, Lobster, Mackerel, Meadowsweet, Milk Thistle, Nettle, Perennial Wall Rocket, Pignut, Pollack, Ramsons, Red Clover, Red Goosenut, Rock Samphire, Round Leafed Mint, Seaweed, Sea Aster, Sea Bass, Sea Beet, Sea Purslane, Sea Trout, Shaggy Ink Cap, Sheep's Sorrel, Silverweed, Spearmint, Spear Shaped Orache, St George’s Mushroom, St Johns Wort, Sweet Cicely, Trout (Freshwater), Watercress, Water Mint, Wild Cabbage, Wild Cherries, Wild Chicory, Wild Fennel, Wild Garlic, Wild Marjoram, Wild Mint, Wild Rocket Leaves, Wild Rose Flower, Wild Thyme, Wild Strawberry, Winter Cress, Wood Pigeon, Wood Sorrel, Yarrow.
Read More: Foraging in the UK during Summer.

Foraging in July
Blackcurrant, Brooklime, Cep, Chamomile, Chanterelle, Chicken of the Woods, Chickweed, Cleavers, Common Comfrey, Common Mallow, Common Poppy, Common Sorrel, Crayfish, Crow Garlic, Damsons, Dead Nettle, Dover Sole, Eels, Elderflowers, Fairy Ring Champignon, Fat Hen, Field Mushroom, Field Rose, Garlic Mustard, Giant Puffball, Good King Henry, Gooseberry, Green Walnut, Grey Mullet, Ground Elder, Honeysuckle flowers, Horse Mushroom, Horseradish, Japanese Rose, Lesser Burdock, Lime Blossom, Lobster, Mackerel, Marsh Samphire, Meadowsweet leaves and flowers, Milk Thistle, Nettle, Parasol Mushroom, Perennial Wall Rocket, Pollack, Rabbit, Raspberry, Redcurrant, Red Clover, Red Goosenut, Rock Samphire, Round Leafed Mint, Scallops, Seaweed, Sea Aster, Sea Bass, Sea Beet, Sea Purslane, Sea Trout, Shaggy Ink Cap, Sheep's Sorrel, Silverweed, Spearmint, Spear Shaped Orache, St Johns Wort, Summer Truffle, Sweet Cicely, Trout (Freshwater), Water Mint, Wild Chicory Flowers, Wild Cabbage, Wild Cherries, Wild Fennel, Wild Marjoram, Wild Mint, Wild Rose Flower, Wild Strawberry, Wild Thyme, Winter Cress, Wood Pigeon, Wood Sorrel, Yarrow.
You might also like our Ultimate Guide to Edible Wild and Garden Flowers.

Foraging in August
Bilberry, Black Mustard, Blackberry, Brooklime, Cauliflower Fungus, Cep, Chamomile, Chanterelle, Chicken of the Woods, Chickweed, Cleavers, Common Comfrey, Common Mallow, Common Poppy, Common Sorrel, Crayfish, Crow Garlic, Damsons, Dover Sole, Eels, Elderberries, Elderflowers, Fairy Ring Champignon, Fat Hen, Fennel Pollen (wild), Field Mushroom, Field Rose, Garlic Mustard, Giant Puffball, Golden Bullace, Good King Henry, Grey Mullet, Ground Elder, Grouse (Aug 12th), Gooseberry, Hazelnut, Heather Flowers, Hedgehog Fungus, Honeysuckle flowers, Horse Mushroom, Horseradish, Japanese Rose, Lesser Burdock, Mackerel, Marsh Samphire, Meadowsweet, Milk Thistle, Nettle, Parasol Mushroom, Plums, Rabbit, Raspberry, Red Clover, Red Goosenut, Rock Samphire, Rose hip, Rowan, Round Leafed Mint, Scallops, Seaweed, Sea Aster, Sea Bass, Sea Beet, Sea Buckthorn, Sea Purslane, Shaggy Ink Cap, Sheep's Sorrel, Silverweed, Sloe, Spearmint, Spear Shaped Orache, St Johns Wort, Summer Truffle, Trout (Freshwater), Wild Cabbage, Wild Chicory Flowers, Wild Fennel, Wild Marjoram, Wild Mint, Wild Strawberry, Wild Thyme, Wild Venison, Winter Cress, Wood Pigeon, Wood Sorrel, Yarrow.
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Foraging in September
Acorns, Apple, Bay Bolete, Beechnuts, Bilberry, Black Mustard, Blackberry, Bladdernuts, Blewits, Brooklime, Bullace, Burdock Roots, Cauliflower Fungus, Cep, Chamomile, Chanterelle, Chickweed, Cleavers, Common Comfrey, Common Sorrel, Chicken of the Woods, Crab Apples, Crayfish, Damson, Dandelion Roots, Dover Sole, Duck, Eels, Elderberries, Fairy Ring Champignon, Fat Hen, Fennel (wild) Pollen, Field Mushroom, Field Rose, Garlic Mustard, Giant Puffball, Golden Bullace, Good King Henry, Grey Mullet, Goose, Grouse, Hawthorn Berries, Hazelnut, Heartnuts, Heather Flowers, Hedgehog Fungus, Hen of the Woods, Hickories, Honey Fungus, Hop Fruits, Horse Mushroom, Horseradish, Jack by the Hedge, Japanese Rose, Juniper, Lesser Burdock, Mackerel, Mussels, Nettle, Parasol Mushroom, Partridge, Pear, Poppy seeds, Rabbit, Raspberry, Red Goosenut, Red Clover, Round Leafed Mint, Rock Samphire, Rose hip, Rowan, Saffron Milk Cap, Scallops, Seaweed, Sea Aster, Sea Bass, Sea Beet, Sea Buckthorn, Shaggy Ink Cap, Sheep's Sorrel, Silverweed, Sloes, Spearmint, Spear Shaped Orache, Sprats, St Johns Wort, Summer Truffle, Sweet Chestnuts, Trout (Freshwater), Velvet Shank, Walnuts, Wild Cabbage, Wild Chicory, Wild Marjoram, Wild Mint, Wild Service Tree, Wild Strawberry, Wild Thyme, Wild Venison, Winter Cress, Wood Pigeon, Wood Sorrel, Yarrow.
Read More: Guide to foraging in the UK in Autumn.

Foraging in October
Acorn, Beechnuts, Beefsteak Mushroom, Blackberry, Bladdernuts, Blewit, Brooklime, Bullace, Burdock Roots, Cauliflower Mushroom, Cep, Chanterelle, Chicken of the Woods, Chickweed, Common Comfrey, Common Sorrel, Crab Apples, Crow Garlic, Cod, Duck, Eels, Elderberries, Fairy Ring Champignon, Fat Hen, Field Mushroom, Field Rose, Giant Puffball, Goose, Grey Mullet, Grouse, Hare, Hawthorn Berries, Hazelnut, Heartnuts, Hedgehog Fungus, Hen of the Woods, Hickories, Honey Fungus, Horse Mushroom, Horseradish, Hop flowers, Jack by the Hedge, Jew's Ear, Juniper, Lesser Burdock, Mackerel, Medlar (After first frost), Oyster Mushroom, Parasol Mushroom, Mussels, Nettles, Partridge, Pheasant, Rabbit, Red Clover, Roadside Apples, Rock Oysters, Rock Samphire, Rosehip, Rowan Berries, Saffron Milk Cap, Scallops, Seaweed, Sea Aster, Sea Bass, Sea Beet, Sea Buckthorn, Shaggy Ink Cap, Sheep's Sorrel, Sloe, Spearmint, Spear Shaped Orache, Sprats, Summer Truffle, Sweet Chestnut, Trout (Freshwater), Velvet Shank, Walnut (ripe), Whiting, Wild Cabbage, Wild Marjoram, Wild Thyme, Wild Venison, Winter Cress, Wood Pigeon, Wood Sorrel, Yarrow.
Click the link to check out our guide on foraging wild mushrooms.

Foraging in November
Blewit, Brooklime, Burdock Roots, Cauliflower Fungus, Cep, Chanterelle, Chickweed, Crab Apple, Cod, Duck, Fairy Ring Champignon, Common Sorrel, Crow Garlic, Fat Hen, Field Mushroom, Field Rose, Giant Puffball, Goose, Hare, Hazelnut, Hedgehog Fungus, Honey Fungus, Grouse, Hawthorn Berries, Horse Mushroom, Horseradish (marked), Jews Ear, Medlar Fruit, Mussels, Nettles, Oyster Mushroom, Partridge, Pheasant, Rabbit, Rock Oysters, Rosehip, Rowan Berries, Saffron Milk Cap, Scallops, Sea Bass, Shaggy Ink Cap, Sloe, Sprats, Sweet Chestnut, Velvet Shank, Walnut (ripe), Whiting, Wild Cabbage, Wild Venison, Winter Cress, Wood Pigeon, Wood Sorrel, Yarrow.
Buy the very best Wild food and Mushroom Dehydrators.

Foraging in December
Blewit, Cranberries, Chanterelle, Chickweed, Cod, Crow Garlic, Dab, Duck, Fairy Ring Champignon, Fat Hen, Goose, Grouse (until the 10th), Hare, Honey Fungus, Horseradish (Marked), Mussels, Oyster Mushroom, Partridge, Pheasant, Rock Oysters, Rosehips, Sea Bass, Sloe, Velvet Shank, Wild Cabbage, Winter Cress, Whiting, Wild Venison, Wood Pigeon.
This is by no means a finite list and there is many foods to be added, so if you want me to add any of your favourites to the list comment below, let me know a season and I'll add it too!
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