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Wild Food and Foraging Blog
Welcome to the Wild Foodie's Wild Food and Foraging Blog. Here we love to share information on the wonderful flora and fauna available to the wild cook. Blogs and guides about wild edible plants and foraging for wild food. Find recipes, identification tips, foraging stories and adventures alongside seasonal suggestions and foraging calenders and so much more.

The Wild Foodie
Crayfishing: Catching and Preparing Crayfish using Pots and Traps
In this post I want to tell you a little about catching crayfish, using pots or traps. Since moving to Suffolk I now have access to a...

The Wild Foodie
Identification, cooking and eating Chicken of the Woods Mushrooms
Chicken of the Woods or Laetiporus Sulphureus is a bright yellow, sometimes orange mushroom that loves to grow on Oaks. Chicken of the...

The Wild Foodie
Ramsons or Wild Garlic Identification
Well what do you say about this wild herb... Except, I love it! What a fantastic ingredient to use, such a wonderful flavour and ever so...

The Wild Foodie
Foraging Calendar UK - What Wild Food is in season now?
Welcome to the fascinating world of foraging in the UK! Nature's bountiful pantry is ever-changing, offering a delightful array of wild...

The Wild Foodie
The Chanterelle Mushroom, the False Chanterelle and their look-alikes
The Chanterelle mushroom is possibly one of the best eating mushrooms in the world, in my opinion only second to the fresh penny bun...

The Wild Foodie
The Dandelion: Foraging, Benefits & Eating Dandelions
Dandelion leaves, roots, and flowers may offer more than just good eating and nutrition. It's health benefits are many and the list of...

The Wild Foodie
The Dab, The tastiest fish in the Sea?
The Dab, the tastiest fish in the Sea or Fisherman's tale? Ok, I am simply craving it… I haven’t been fishing the whole of February as...

The Wild Foodie
Morel Mushroom identification, season & finding them in the UK
The first of the seasons wild mushrooms is soon to be with us. The Morel mushroom is the first wild mushroom of the season and is a...

The Wild Foodie
The Versatile Burdock Plant: Leafy Greens and Nutrient-Rich Roots
Nestled amidst the verdant landscapes of the United Kingdom, burdock emerges as a captivating and versatile botanical wonder. With its...

The Wild Foodie
The Stinging Nettle: Nature's Health Food
The stinging nettle is a plentiful and reliable form of wild food. The leaves, seeds, and roots are all edible, and are very nutritious....

The Wild Foodie
Jack by the Hedge or Garlic Mustard
Garlic Mustard or Jack by the hedge, is a common early Spring herb found in hedges and woods. Once you have learned to identify it, all...

The Wild Foodie
False Morel Identification guide
It’s nearly Morel season, you are all excited and ready to go you know where you are going to look. Now there is another species (that is...

The Wild Foodie
The Sweet Violet
The Sweet Violet, one of the first edible flowers available to the gourmet forager!! The Sweet Violet is a small creeping plant that can...

The Wild Foodie
Sea Beet or Wild Sea Spinach
The Sea Beet or Wild Spinach also known as the Sea Spinach is a distant relative of the many foods that are cultivated today including...

The Wild Foodie
Wild and Foraged Spring Salad
One of the joys of Spring is greens. In most cases greens, especially with young greens, they are best eaten raw. Wild greens have strong...

The Wild Foodie
St George Mushroom Identification, Look-alikes and Recipes
The St George's mushroom is a very early fruiting variety of mushroom. In this post you will learn its look-alikes, how to identify it,...

The Wild Foodie
Alexanders – The Roman Parsley
Alexanders or Smyrnium olusatrum are also known as Horse Parsley, Black Lovage and even Wild Celery (although there is also a water...

The Wild Foodie
American Signal Crayfish: Where to find them and how to catch them
At this time of the year its starting to warm up and Spring is set in for good. The rising temperatures wake up more than the plants and...

The Wild Foodie
The Elder: Elderflowers, Elderberries and the Legend
The Elder Tree, scientifically known as Sambucus, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Adoxaceae. There are several species of...

The Wild Foodie
The Ultimate Guide to Edible Wild and Garden Flowers UK
The culinary use of Edible flowers dates back many years with the first recorded mention is thousands of years old. Many different...
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